News and Events

Grant awarded for the Far Away Farm!

“Great job folks, especially donors, in getting this done. Congratulations!” Mike Nickerson, President of the Shepherdstown Battlefield Preservation Association.

Message from The National Park Service regarding its November 18/22 New Release:

The Jefferson County Historic Landmarks Commission has been selected to receive American Battlefield Protection Program Battlefield Land Acquisition Grant (BLAG) for the acquisition of the Far Away Farm Tract at Shepherdstown Battlefield.

Here is a link to the announcement, which the National Park Service made today:
National Park Service awards nearly $2 million to protect over 200 acres at four Civil War battlefields – Office of Communications

As always, thank you for your continued efforts to preserve our Nation’s important battlefields.

Battlefield Land Acquisition Grants
American Battlefield Protection Program
National Park Service

Welcome New Board Members

The SBPA is fortunate to announce the addition of two National Park Service professionals (now retired) to our boards.

Mr. Terry Lindsay lives in Kearneysville, WV and has joined the Board of Directors.  He worked in the National Park Service for 33 years as a park ranger at the C&O Canal NP, Everglades NP, Okefenokee NWR, Shenandoah NP, and Isle Royale NP.  He worked as an Exhibit Planner at the Harpers Ferry Interpretive Design Center creating local exhibits for Bolivar Heights, Schoolhouse Ridge, and Murphy’s Farm, and at the Monocacy NB near Frederick, MD.  He also created exhibits in the Grand Canyon NP, Glacier Bay NP, Joshua Tree NP, Death Valley NP, and the Selma to Montgomery Trail.  Terry’s insight on park design and management, and interpretive history is already proving invaluable.

Ms. Pamela Underhill has joined the SBPA Board of Advisors.  Pam lives in Bakerton, WV and was the Superintendent of the Appalachian National Scenic Trail for the NPS for 17 years.  She focused on securing a permanently protected corridor for the Trail from Maine to Georgia, one of the most complex and successful public/private land conservation efforts in our country’s history.  She interacted with trail hikers, volunteer workers, landowners, and State and Federal officials so has a large network of professional and personal contacts whose expertise may be helpful to our new park.

Fundraising Drive

The Shepherdstown Battlefield Preservation Association is currently raising $100,000 to assist the American Battlefield Trust (ABT) with the $2,000,000 purchase of the Far Away Farm, located within the battlefield on Trough Road.

This comprises only 5% of the farm purchase price which will benefit Jefferson County in perpetuity.

The ABT was recently awarded a $300,000 WV State Outdoor Heritage Grant for the purchase of the Far Away Farm. The ABT and the Jefferson County Historic Landmarks Commission plan to apply for additional funding from the National Park Service American Battlefield Protection Program.

The SBPA promotes education about the battle and helps manage the battlefield through member activities, including the Birds in the Battlefield Program. Please donate today.

Display at the new Shepherdstown Library

A new display will soon be open to the public in the Local History Room of the new Shepherdstown Library. When you visit, ask to see the battle maps and fund-raising efforts to preserve the Far Away Farm.

A large, mounted map shows troop movements during the battle at the Cement Mill and on Trough Road, created by the American Battlefield Trust (ABT).

There are free smaller maps, SBPA pamphlets and information about our partners including the ABT, Jefferson County Historic Landmarks Commission and Jefferson County Farmland Protection Board.

Shepherdstown Public Library Director Hali Taylor and SBPA President Dr. Mike Nickerson stand with a map of troop movements that occurred during the 2-day Battle of Shepherdstown.

FAF article in October WV Observer

In recognition of the 160th Anniversary of the Battle of Shepherdstown on June 19 and 20, 2022, an article about SBPA efforts to preserve the Far Away Farm has been published in the October issue of the WV Independent Observer ( 

Click for the article with photos.

Observer editor Steve Pearson visited the SBPA battlefield information table in town on June 20 to hear about our work with local and national partners to preserve battlefield properties. 

The fund-raising efforts to preserve Far Away Farm depend upon your contribution. Please consider a Far Away Farm preservation donation to the SBPA or American Battlefield Trust

September 2022 Tour of the Battlefield

A tour of the Shepherdstown Battlefield was conducted by SBPA Director Kevin Pawlak for members of the Antietam Institute on Saturday, September 10, 2022.

He first described the Union artillery position at Ferry Hill, off Rt. 34. Then Pawlak described the heavy fighting and Union casualties at the Cement Mill kilns and dam. Finally, at the Far Away Farm, he presented A.P. Hill’s Confederates drive across the Farm to drive Union troops back across the Potomac River to Maryland late in the afternoon on September 20, 1862.

Kevin Pawlak leads a tour of the Battle of Shepherdstown for Antietam Institute members and is shown in front of the farmhouse at the Far Away Farm.

Kevin Pawlak is a Historic Site Manager for the Prince William County Historic Preservation Division and is a Licensed Battlefield Guide at Antietam National Battlefield, as well as guiding tours of the Battle of Shepherdstown.

Mowing Battlefield Park

Mowing of the Battlefield Park along the Potomac River is planned by SBPA members ahead of the 160th Anniversary of the Battle on September 19-20, 2022. What an auspicious time to be raising funds to permanently secure the Far Away Farm in the core of the battlefield.