Thanks to Ian and Travis from the Virginia Piedmont Heritage Area, we now have a solid ID on the fabulous item pictured that was found in the battlefield. It has been displayed for several years as part of our collection with little notice. Travis homed in on it immediately! It is part of a shoe buckle from a Union Soldier, likely from Pennsylvania and likely German. If you zoom in, you can see the amazing intricate pattern stamped into the bronze.
This buckle nearly identically matched in shape the buckle worn by Travis in his Union Soldier re-enactment garb. Thanks for your knowledge and input guys. The SBPA looks forward to hosting a VA Piedmont Heritage group in 2024!

Hey Mike,
It was wonderful meeting you on Saturday! I would love the opportunity to have a more in-depth battlefield tour.
The buckle is an incredible find, I am glad we could be of some help.
Thank you again,
Ian MacDougall
Public Programs Coordinator
Virginia Piedmont Heritage Area
Jim Broomall, Director, George Tyler Moore Center brought us together for their holiday celebration! Thanks Jim for the gift that keeps giving!
Mike Nickerson
President, SBPA